We are looking for talents!

Interested candidates should send their cover letter and CV directly to Prof. Alexey Berdyugin (alexey@nus.edu.sg)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
We are looking for motivated postdoctoral fellows to join our team.
  • PhD in condensed matter physics/nanoscience or any other relevant field.
  • Excellent understanding of the basics of condensed matter physics and good knowledge of the field of 2D materials.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Experience with cryogenic equipment and electron transport measurements.
  • Nanofabrication skills and experience with van der Waals heterostructures assembling.
PhD positions are available
We are looking for motivated young scientists to do PhD in the field of 2D materials.
Students with Physics or Nanotechnology backgrounds are highly welcome.
To join our group, we encourage candidates to apply for an independent PhD fellowship. For more information, you can contact Prof. Alexey Berdyugin
Examples of available fellowships:
More information about PhD scholarships in NUS you can find here.
Our laboratory is based at the Institute for Functional and Intelligent Materials (IFIM) (level 8 and 9) at the National University of Singapore.
Address: 4 Science Drive 2, level 9, Singapore 117544
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